Need Projections

Batching Notices and Need Projections

The following links provide access to current need projections for Certificate of Need services. Each need projection provides a summary of the projected need by planning area along with a map of the planning area as defined by CON rules.

For additional information regarding the CON need projections please review the Need Projections Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.

Stacked papers grouped together with multicolored paperclips on a wooden desk next to glasses and a wireless keyboard.

June 2024 Batching Cycle

March 2024 Batching Cycle

December 2023 Batching Cycle

September 2023 Batching Cycle


Non-Batched Need Projection


Certificate of Need Rules

Ambulatory Surgery Center Services

Cardiac Catheterization Services

Home Health Agency Services

Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation Services

Long Term Care Hospital Services

Neonatal Care Services

Obstetric Services

Personal Care Home Services

Positron Emission Tomography Services

Short-Stay General Hospital Beds

Skilled Nursing Home Beds

Traumatic Brain Injury Services

Non-Special MegaVoltage Radiation Therapy Services