Traumatic Brain Injury Facilities (TBIF) Programs and Services
Welcome to Healthcare Facility Regulation Division (HFRD) Specialized Care Unit. Our mission is to help ensure the health and safety of our clients and to ensure the highest quality of life and quality of care for our clients in all the licensed Traumatic Brain Injury Facilities throughout Georgia. HFRD is a division of the Department of Community Health (DCH). Our goal as HFRD is to provide oversight, licensing, certification, and the health care planning of various health care facilities and services in Georgia.

Traumatic Brain Injury Facilities (TBIF) are residential treatment and rehabilitative care for people with traumatic brain injury. TBIF are devoted to the provision of treatment and rehabilitative care for periods continuing for 24 hours or longer for persons who have traumatic brain injury.
"Traumatic Brain Injury" means a traumatic insult to the brain and its related parts resulting in organic damage thereto which may cause physical, intellectual, emotional, social, or vocational changes in a person. Persons having a traumatic brain injury may have organic damage or physical or social disorders. Traumatic brain injury shall not be considered mental illness.
How to Select a TBIF
HFRD offers GaMap2Care®-Find Facility that includes facility listings, inspection reports (survey reports), license verification, rules and regulation and complaint forms. Please visit our Find a Facility website to access this information.
For Concerns/Complaints
If you have a concern regarding the health or safety of a client or a concern regarding the care that is being provided in a TBIF, you have the option of calling or filing a complaint on-line for any TBIF through the Division of Healthcare Facility Regulation.
- Toll-Free: (800) 878-6442
- Complaint Intake Unit: 404-657-5726 or 404-657-5728
- File a Complaint online here
- For General Inquiries regarding TBIF you may email: [email protected]
- To request records you may email your request to: [email protected]
Type Regulation
- State: A facility must obtain a permit.
- Federal: N/A
- Any TBIF operated by the federal government.
Legal Authority
O.C.G.A. § 31-7-1, Title 31- Health; Chapter 7- Regulation and Construction of Hospitals and other Health Care Facilities; Article 1- Regulation of Hospitals and Related Institutions- Definitions
O.C.G.A. § 31-7-3, Title 31- Health; Chapter 7- Regulation and Construction of Hospitals and other Health Care Facilities; Article 1- Regulation of Hospitals and Related Institutions- Requirements for permits to operate institutions; (c) ... Disaster Preparedness Plan.
O.C.G.A. § 31-7-5, Title 31- Health; Chapter 7- Regulation and Construction of Hospitals and other Health Care Facilities; Article 1- Regulation of Hospitals and Related Institutions- Exemptions from permit requirements; application of this chapter to federally operated institutions.
- Rules and Regulations for Traumatic Brain Injury, Chapter 111-8-71
- Disaster Preparedness Plans, Chapter 111-8-16
- Enforcement of General Licensing and Enforcement Requirements, Chapter 111-8-25
Applications and Forms
Thank you for considering Georgia as a site for your healthcare venture. Please review all Rules and Regulations prior the submission of your application.
Initial Licensure Application
Please review the initial
application packet
The application documents must be submitted on this site: https://forms.dch.georgia.gov/Forms/HFRD-Applications-and-Waivers-Intake.
When the documents are uploaded, you will be asked to pay $300.00 for the application processing fee.
of Licensure Activity Fees
For questions relative to the application process, please contact [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I get more information about the fees I am required to pay?
A: First, check the frequently asked questions and answers here. These FAQs will be updated as necessary. If you don’t see your specific question answered, then send your question to this email address [email protected] and your question will be answered.
Q: May I pay the application fee at the time I file the application to become licensed and pay the initial licensure fee when you get ready to issue my license?
A: No, the rules require you to submit the application fee and the initial licensure fee at the same time.
Q: If I operate a licensed facility and I am inspected because of a complaint that is filed, do I have to pay $250 for the inspection?
A: No. We do not charge for routine complaint inspection visits. You would be charged $250 if we had to do a follow-up visit on a periodic or full inspection visit and more serious rule violations were found. The purpose of that follow-up would be to check to make sure that you corrected the more serious violation that was identified during the periodic survey.
Q: What if I cannot pay the licensure fees that are due by the due date?
A: If you do not pay the fees within 60 days of the due date, a late fee of $150 is added to the amount you owe. If you have not paid the full amount that is due within the 60 days past due date, the Department may take an action to revoke your license for non-payment of licensure fees. You would have the right to appeal the revocation through an administrative hearing.