Small Business

Georgia is ranked as the number one state for business. Small businesses are important to the advancement and success of Georgia's economy. The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) works to ensure that small businesses are aware of the various opportunities to learn and participate in state programs that are made available through the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS).
How does Georgia define a small business?
Effective July 1, 2021, Georgia law defines a small business as a business that is independently owned and operated with up to and including 300 employees or up to and including $30 million in gross receipts per year. Small businesses are further defined in tiers: Tier 1 (ten or fewer employees or $1 million or less in gross receipts per year); Tier 2 (100 or fewer employees or $10 million or less in gross receipts per year); or Tier 3 (300 or fewer employees or $30 million or less in gross receipts per year).
Is there a requirement for small businesses to be certified by a third party?
No, there is no requirement to be certified by a third party. However, all businesses that meet the definition of a small business are encouraged to select “small business” during the supplier registration process in the Team Georgia Marketplace™ supplier portal. Additionally, during the competitive bidding process, small businesses submitting a response to a bid may be requested to complete and submit a form confirming their small business status.
Is small business training offered?
Yes, the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS), State Purchasing Division’s (SPD) supplier training program is available to all businesses interested in doing business with the State of Georgia.
https://doas.ga.gov/state-purchasing/purchasing-education-and-training/supplier-training -
Are there any workshops available for small businesses to attend to help small businesses prepare for any future procurements?
Yes, Small Business Procurement Readiness workshops are offered by SPD.
https://doas.ga.gov/state-purchasing/small-business-procurement-readiness-workshops -
What other resources are available to small businesses and are these resources free?
There are many free resources available to small businesses through small business partners such as the Georgia Tech Procurement Assistance Center (GTPAC) and the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center (SBDC).