How Do I Apply For PeachCare for Kids®?

Applying for PeachCare for Kids® is part of the overall Medical Assistance application process. When you apply, either online, by phone, by mail, or walking in to a Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) or Right from the Start Medical Assistance (RSM) Group office, there is one application for Medical Assistance. Please call before visiting to ensure in-person availability. Based on your household composition, income, and other circumstances, we will determine the most beneficial coverage for your child(ren). Children who fall under the Medicaid income limits will be put on the appropriate type of Medicaid. Children who fall within the PeachCare for Kids® income limits will be put on PeachCare for Kids®. No separate application is needed.
You may apply the following ways:
- Online at www.gateway.ga.gov. by selecting “Medical Assistance” when you come to the type of application you want to submit. You may also indicate other benefits for which you wish to apply.
- By phone at 1-877-427-3224 or 1-877-423-4746 and follow the prompts.
- Submit an application in person at a local DFCS Office or RSM Group office by requesting an application for Medical Assistance or by downloading, completing and printing an application found at the bottom of this page and submitting it in person. Please call before visiting to ensure in-person availability.
- You may also mail a completed and signed application to:
- RSM Group
P.O. Box 786
Alma, GA 31510
- RSM Group
Applications can also be found at www.Healthcare.gov. Please note:
The Affordable Care Act and its regulations established a coordinated system of eligibility and enrollment across all insurance affordability programs. Consumers must be able to submit a single streamlined application to either the Marketplace serving their state or the state Medicaid or CHIP agency, receive an eligibility determination, and be enrolled in the appropriate program. This “no-wrong-door” approach requires effective coordination between state Medicaid and CHIP agencies and Marketplaces to ensure that consumers have a seamless, streamlined path to coverage in the program for which they are eligible.
For more information on how to access www.gateway.ga.gov, please watch the video below.
PeachCare for Kids® Applications