Welcome to the "SORH 101" Video Series

The “SORH 101” video series shines a spotlight on the diverse work of the Georgia State Office of Rural Health through the creation of short, informative videos that enlighten both the general public as well as the many partners on the SORH's impact on rural healthcare. This enlightening and fun video series was conceived as a vehicle to spotlight the vast amount of work and activity that comes out of an office with a small but dedicated staff.

Quarterly videos spotlighting the four SORH program sections are posted both here and on DCH social media platforms where they can be viewed and shared.

New Releases


Previous Released Video

Georgia Farmworker Health Program Board 

Primary Care Office: National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program

Hospital Services Flex Program

The Georgia SORH

Farmworker Program: Southern Valley Fruit & Vegetable, Inc. 


National Rural Health Day 2022

Stephen Register Leading the Fight Against Rural Health Disparities

Hospital Services Patient Centered Medical Home Recognition Support Grant

American Rescue Plan Spotlight

J-1 Visa

SORH Program

HPSA: Health Professional Shortage Areas

Mobile Clinics

National Rural Health Day 2020

Swing Beds

SORH 101 Intro