Resident Roster

Beginning with the March 31, 2017 Resident Roster (Listing of Residents), the Quarterly Resident Roster became available on a secure web portal hosted by Myers and Stauffer. The new secure web portal replaced the previous process of receiving the Resident Listing via the U.S. Postal Service. The Case Mix Index calculation from the Resident Roster is used in the quarterly reimbursement rate calculation for all providers.

To access the secure web portal user account information must be provided.  This includes the Facility name and Medicaid number along with the following for each user:

  1. Facility IP address for the computer in which the individual will be logging into the portal.
  2. The name, title, phone number and email address of the users you have designated to have access to the web portal for retrieving your Resident Listing.

To update the users that can access (add or remove) the secure web portal, complete the Georgia Resident Roster Distribution User Account Information Form.  Please type the information into the form to avoid mistakes with the information. Then email the form as an attachment to the Office of Reimbursement at

Download this pdf file. Georgia Resident Roster Distribution User Account Information Form

Access the Myers & Stauffer Web Portal to download the Preliminary and Final Listing of Resident file.

Effective October 1, 2020, Georgia Medicaid will require the additional MDS items needed for the PDPM calculation on the OBRA assessments when not combined with a 5-day SNF PPS assessment. The following are the additional MDS items to be completed Lesley J. Lowman, RN RAI/MDS Coordinator, Healthcare Facility Regulation Division-LTC Section.

Download this pdf file. PDPM-OBRA Memorandum

Download this pdf file. PDPM-OBRA Assessment Q&A Guide