Amended Cost Reports

Note: Appendix D, Section 2.f of the Nursing Facilities Manual, effective July 1, 2007 has been revised as follows:


Any changes to the amount of or classification of reported costs and patient day information must be made within 30 days after the applicable September 30th, November 30th, or approved extended submission deadline. Amended cost reports submitted after these deadlines will not be accepted unless they have been requested by the Division. If the original cost report is used to set reimbursement rates, the provider has up to 30 days from the implementation of the original cost report to request changes to the amount of or classification of reported costs and patient day information in accordance with the appeal procedures outlined in Appendix I (Billing Rate and Disallowance of Cost from the Cost Report). Adjustments to amounts or changes in classification of reported costs in prior years will not be considered.