National Provider Identifier (NPI)

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) has been adopted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to meet the HIPAA health care provider identification mandate. It replaces all existing health care provider identifiers including numbers assigned by Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross, etc. on standard HIPAA transactions. It is the number used to identify providers nationally.

All Medicaid providers, both individuals and organizations, who are eligible to receive an NPI, are required to have an NPI. The NPI is required on electronic claims. Medicaid providers who are not eligible to receive an NPI will maintain their current Medicaid Provider ID.

Providers apply for an NPI through the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) by completing the application at:

NPPES: (800) 465-3203

Please submit the Georgia Medicaid National Provider Identifier (NPI) Submittal Form with a copy of the NPI confirmation letter from the NPPES to:

Mail: ACS Provider Enrollment Unit
Post Office Box 4000
McRae, Georgia 31055

All enrollment documentation must be mailed to:

HP Provider Enrollment
PO Box 105201
Tucker, GA 30085-5201