Freestanding Nursing Facility

Freestanding Cost Report changes

  • Page i—Question 15(b) added to determine if the facility’s contact person’s location is primarily at or away from the nursing facility.
  • Page i—A selection button was added to question 27(b), Changes in ownership during the year.
  • Page i--Questions 27 (d) and 27(e) have been added to identify new and previous ownership and the date of the ownership change.
  • Page i—Question 28 has been added to identify any ownership changes to related nursing components.
  • Page i—Questions 30-32 have been added to identify the prior owner’s point of contact.


  • Check figures warning added to: Page i—Question 33; Schedule A—Part II Bed Capacity; Sch B-2 and GLPL schedule.
  • Cost Report Checklist—Nursing homes should identify any significant changes that occurred after the reporting period.

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Please download all documents to complete the reports. To view PDF documents, you will need the free Acrobat Reader application.

Please download all documents to complete the reports. To view PDF documents, you will need the free Acrobat Reader application.