PeachCare for Kids®
Income Verification Requirements
Income verification is a requirement of PeachCare for Kids®.
Please provide all requested information within 14 days.
New Application:
When you apply for PeachCare for Kids®, your income will be verified.
When you apply online, an Income Verification Form is available to fax or mail, or you can upload your documents directly to your Georgia Gateway account.
Existing Accounts:
To continue your eligibility, your income will be verified every year. You will receive a letter when it is time to renew your account.
You may compete your renewal form and upload proof of income directly to your Georgia Gateway account. To create a login, go to and link with your new case number. You will be able to view all the notices on your account, the status of your case, and have the ability to upload all documents directly to your account.
If you prefer another way to complete your renewal, please complete the renewal form and return it with your proof of income to:
PeachCare for Kids®
Income Verification Includes:
money bills

All income information must be the most current or recent information.
A. Earned Income — Money anyone in the household receives
- Weekly pay — four (4) weeks of pay stubs (one (1) week after the other) - OR -
- Bi-Weekly pay — two (2) pay stubs received every other week (one (1) after the other) - OR -
- Semi-Monthly — two (2) pay stubs received two (2) times a month (one (1) after the other) - OR -
- Monthly — two (2) pay stubs received one (1) time a month (one (1) month after another) - OR -
- Paid in cash —
Employer Verification Form must be completed by the employer. Employer must list dates and amounts for four consecutive weeks or 1 month of paystubs.
B. Unearned Income — Money anyone in the household receives from any agencies, parents or relatives, friends, or any other sources
- Unemployment check — four (4) weeks of pay stubs (one week after the other)
- Interest (taxable and non taxable)
- Social Security (SSA) income
- Dividends
- Taxable state income tax refunds and credits
- Portion of scholarships, awards or fellowship grants used for living expenses
- Alimony received
- Capital/other gain
- IRA distributions (taxable amount only)
- Annuities
- Rental real estate income and royalties
- Pension retirement benefits, stocks or bonds dividends — send the most recent award letter
- Student loans, grants and scholarships — send current-year award letter
- Other Unearned Income — provide letter stating amount received and how often received. Provide name, address, and contact number or four (4) weeks of pay stubs (one week after the other)