Citizenship, Immigration and Identity Requirements

Your child must be a U.S. citizen or qualified immigrant to qualify for PeachCare for Kids®. Some of the types of qualified immigrants are legal permanent residents (LPR), asylees or refugees, victims of trafficking or domestic violence, and others. The child must have also been qualified for at least five years unless he/she came into the country before August 22, 1996. This five-year rule does not apply to asylees or refugees and those serving in the military. You must send us a Form I-551 to prove your status. We may be able to verify your child's U.S. citizenship and identity using his/her Social Security Number. A Social Security number is required for each child you want to receive health care.
Please provide all requested information within 14 days.
When proof of citizenship or immigration status is required, please upload your documents or mail photocopies of your documents to:
Please do not send original documents. Please write your family account number on the photocopies of your documents.
Please send in ONE from this list (for each child):
List #1: Documents to Establish Both U.S. Citizenship and Identity:
If you send one of these, no other information will be required. |
- OR -
If you do not have one of the documents above,
please send in ONE from each list #2 and list #3 below (for each child):
If not sending from list #1 above, please include one item from both list #2 and from list #3 below to complete Citizenship and Identity verification: List #2: Other Documents to Establish U.S. Citizenship, if you did not provide a document from list 1 please provide ONE of the following documents:
List #3: Evidence of Identity, if sending from list 2 above please provide ONE of the following:
Immigration Documents:
List #4: Documents to establish immigration status, please provide one of the following: