Graduate Medical Education (Direct and Indirect)

Direct Medical Education payments compensate teaching hospitals accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for overhead costs related to GME, such as salaries and fringe benefits for residents, teach physicians and GME administrative staff.


FTE Funding

Base Per FTE Funding Amount: $49,000.00
Family Medicine Bump $33,000.00
OB/GYN Bump $33,000.00
General Pediatrics Bump $28,500.00
Pediatric Specialty Program Bump $13,500.00
General Surgery Bump $10,000.00


Community Service Boards (CBS) with GME programs that are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) are compensated for Medicaid overhead costs related to GME, such as salaries and fringe benefits for residents, teach physicians and GME administrative staff.

Indirect Medical Education Adjustment compensates teaching hospitals for higher operating cost associated with the presence of a residency program such as more complicated cases, additional test ordered by residents as a part of the learning process and reduced patient care productivity by all staff members. IME cost is an add-on to the Medicaid hospital specific base rate for eligible teaching hospitals.


Graduate Medical Education Payments