Open Records

General Counsel Open Records:

For preferred service, fill out the form below. 

Please contact our General Counsel Open Records Office for: Medicaid documents, cost reports, contracts, fee statements, some SHBP documents, OIG documents and any other issues not described further down the page under any of our other Open Records divisions or supporting agency Open Records divisions. 

For Open Records Requests relating to the Healthcare Facility Regulation Division, Claims and Billing, DCH Decision Support Services, the Office of Health Planning, Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Georgia Department of Human Services and Georgia Department of Public Health, please refer to the contact information at the bottom of the page. 

Additional DCH Open Records Divisions:

Healthcare Facility Regulation Division Open Records: [email protected]

Please use this email to submit Open Records Requests related to facility licenses, surveys, disclosures of ownership, complaints, and other Healthcare Facility Regulation Division matters.

Claims Open Records: [email protected]

Please use this email for Open Records Requests related to billing data and RPD claims.

Office of Health Planning Records: 

Please file your data requests Download this pdf file. using the form at this link .

DCH Decision Support Services Open Records: 

Please file your data requests using the form at this link.


Supporting Agency Open Records Divisions:

Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD): Please use the link below to submit open records requests to DBHDD related to behavioral health, addictive diseases and developmental disabilities.

Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS): Please use the link below to submit open records requests to DHS related to Aging Services, Child Support Services, and Family & Children Services matters.

Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH): Please use the link below to submit open records requests to DPH related to vital records, women and children, immunizations, environmental health, and other health matters.