2024 Data Geek Week - Friday Events

Morning Virtual Event: AI: The Data Geek’s Cheat Sheet

When: 11 a.m. - noon

Presenter: Susan Kolevsohn

Presentation Style: Virtual

Presentation Synopsis: Uncover the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in managing your data needs. Susan will demystify AI tools and showcase how they can be integrated into your data analysis to make your tasks simpler and more efficient.


AI “Fun Fact”: The Wyss Institute in Boston has developed AI-powered bees to monitor crop pollination, climate, and surveillance.



Afternoon Virtual Event: Breaking Down Silos: Introducing BICC

When: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. 

Presenter: Makayla Crosby, Justin Ellison, Kay Ann Richards

Presentation Style: Virtual

Presentation Synopsis: Explore how the Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) can break down silos and foster innovation within DCH. Learn effective collaboration tips and discover how BICC can be your hub for sharing knowledge and driving efficiency across teams


BICC or Collaboration “Fun Fact”: 90% of employees believe that decision-makers should seek other opinions before making a final decision.

Source: Salesforce