Word of the Week
This Week's Word:
Prosiac (pro-sa-ic) - adjective
1. Characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry.
2. Dull, unimaginative advice.
3. Everyday, ordinary.
Previous Words:
Predilection (pred-uh-LEK-shun) - noun - an established preference for something.
Defeasance (de-fea-sance) - noun - 1. the termination of a property interest in accordance with stipulated conditions; 2. an instrument stating such conditions of limitations; 3. a rendering null or void.
Vim (vim) - noun - lively or energetic spirit; enthusiasm; vitality
Quell (kwel) - verb - 1. to suppress; put an end to; extinguish; 2. to vanquish; subdue; 3. to quiet or allay (emotions, anxieties, etc.)
Appetence (ap-i-tuhna) - noun - 1. intense desire; strong natural craving; appetite; 2. instinctive inclination or natural tendency; 3. material or chemical attraction or affinity.
Obsequious (ub-SEE-kwee-us) - adjective - marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness.
Fastidious (fass-TID-ee-us) - adjective - 1. showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care, 2. reflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding attitude, 3. having high and often capricious standards; difficult to please.
Career (ca-reer) - verb - to go at top speed, especially in a headlong manner.
Antithetical (an-ti-thet-i-cal) - adjective - 1. being in direct and unequivocal opposition: directly opposite or opposed, 2. constituting or marked by antithesis.
Myopic (mye-OH-pik) - adjective - 1. lacking in foresight or discernment: narrow in perspective and without concern for broader implications, 2. affected by myopia: of, relating to, or exhibiting myopia.
Spaghettification (spuh-get-uh-fi-key-shuhn) - noun - the theoretical stretching of an object as it encounters extreme differences in gravitational forces, especially those associated with a black hole.
Magniloquent (mag-nil-o-quent) - adjective - speaking in or characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner.
Coalesce (co-a-lesce) - verb - 1. to throw together, 2. to unite for a common end; join forces, 3. to arise from the combination of distinct elements.
Obfuscate (ob-fus-cate) - verb - 1. a) to throw into shadow: darken, b) to make obscure, 2. confuse.
Rigmarole (rig-ma-role) - noun - 1. confused or meaningless talk, 2. a complex and sometimes ritualistic procedure.
Copacetic (co-pa-cet-ic) - adjective - very satisfactory.
Erudite (er-u-dite) - adjective - having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying: possessing or displaying.
Veracity (ve-rac-i-ty) - noun - 1. conformity with truth or fact: accuracy, 2. devotion to the truth: truthfulness, 3. power of conveying or perceiving truth, 4. something true
Propitiate (pro-pi-ti-ate) - verb - to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of
Facetious (fa-ce-tious) - adjective - 1. joking or jesting often inappropriately, 2. meant to be humorous or funny
Amity (am-i-ty) - noun - friendship; especially, friendship between nations.
Fortitude (for-ti-tude) - noun - strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity.
Capricious (ca-pri-cious) - adjective - determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity.
Gallivant (gal-li-vant) - verb - to travel, roam, or move about for pleasure.
Chiasmus (kahy-az-muhs) - noun - a rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by the reversal of their structures in order to produce an artistic effect.