DCH Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Self-Directed Member Townhall
Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Sessions, March 2021
This townhall will provide an overview of the impacts of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) on Self-Directed (SD) and Consumer-Directed (CD) Members and their families and provide an open forum to answer EVV-related questions with Brian Dowd from the Department of Community Health (DCH) & representation from supporting organizations.
DCH, in combination with supporting organizations, will provide a refresher on waiver requirements and expectations, EVV, and the implementation and compliance of EVV for SD and CD Members. This specific session is a general overview and will not be Fiscal Intermediary (FI) specific. Follow-up meetings will be scheduled in coordination with each FI to discuss each FI’s EVV vendor, implementation and operational processes, and available resources.
These will be virtual, interactive sessions, so come prepared to collaborate with DCH. We welcome your questions, input, and feedback during these townhalls and throughout the entire EVV process. Please note, as mentioned above, this session is not FI specific. Questions exclusive to your FI will not be addressed in this meeting and should be reserved for the FI-specific meetings which will be scheduled in April.
A recorded version of the session will also be available on the DCH website following the townhall.
6 p.m.